About me


I startet my career with a dual training as technical draftsperson with Siemens AG in Mülheim drawing generaturs and turbines. Although I liked it there I wanted to learm more and see something of the world. So I studied languages in order to become a teacher.

Then I got a phone call from the university - FRIWO in Duisburg has boxes full of tender documents for the European satellite launcher ARIANE V and is desperately in need of technical translators. So I started work and never really stopped. 

Instead of fulfilling expectations by getting a respectable, reliable and orderly job as a teacher I am producing respectable, reliable and orderly translations for my clients now. 

Since 2013      authorization from the Higher Regional Court of Hamm for the languages of                                       Spanish and English

                         - several major legal projects on judicial processes between international industrial                                     groups

                          - statements of claim to international industrial corporations, including bundles of                                        annexes

                          - judgments with opinion of the court from judicial processes between international                                      industrial groups

                          - contracts

                           - expert advice, e.g. for family courts

                           - environmental reports, e.g. for the deepening of an oil port in the Republic of Congo

                           - annual reports e.g. of a German discounter in Spain 

Since 2011      State Certified Translator specializing in technology, freelance

                          - complete tender documents, e.g. for hydroelectric power plants

                          - operating manuals, e.g. for industrial robots

                          - documentation and parts lists, e.g. for tunnelling machines and mining technology

                          - complete technical documentation e.g. for an automated loom

                          - technical reports, e.g. in the field of float glass/flat glass

Since 1997           Technical translator, freelance 

                First assignment as a student: ARIANESPACE, tender documents for the European                                 satellite launcher ARIANE 5, French - German  




WS 1996/1997           semester abroad in Sunderland, UK

SS 1997                     semester abroad in Paris, Sorbonne IV

other stays abroad 

Spain:                   Granada, Sevilla, Àvila, Alcalá de Henares

USA:                      New York - Long Island, Washington DC, Maryland

Colombia:             Bogotá, Cartagena de Indias, Santa Marta, Yopal, Montería 



2011:            External Exam for Interpreters and Translators in Karlsruhe

          Degree: State Certified Translator specializing in Technology (the only of  

                   95 candidates)


2002:           Gerhard Mercator University in Duisburg 

         Studies of English and Romance languages

         Main Studies in French completed

                  Degree: 1. State Exam in English and Spanish (comparable to a Master's degree)  


1994:           Siemens AG in Mülheim an der Ruhr (formerly Power Plant Union)

                  Dual training as technical draftsperson for mechanical engineering

                   Degree: Exam by the Chamber of Commerce  


1990            Alfred Krupp School in Essen

                    Degree: General Matriculation Standad